Kale and Avocado Salad with Sunflower Seeds, Carrot, and Raisins


Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and this salad is a dead ringer for the Kale Avocado Salad at Juice Generation in New York City. 

I've been collaborating with Sarah Wragge of Wragge Mamma on lots of yummy recipes for her clients. She texted me the other day asking if I could recreate some of her favorite salads, and this was first of the list. It helped that all of the ingredients were ready and waiting in my kitchen! 

Kale and Avocado Salad with Sunflower Seeds, Carrot, and Raisins

Serves one (easily doubled)

3 cups lacinato or curly kale, ribs removed + chopped
1/2 tsp. Bragg's apple cider vinegar
1/3 ripe avocado, diced
pinch fine sea salt

1/2 medium carrot, thinly peeled, grated, or spiralized
2 Tbs. sunflower seeds (I like toasted, unsalted from Trader Joe's)
1 heaping Tbs. organic raisins
small handful sunflower sprouts
big squeeze lemon juice
good pinch flakey sea salt (I like Maldon)
several grinds black pepper

In a medium mixing bowl, combine kale with apple cider vinegar, avocado, and a small pinch of salt. Lightly massage with your hands until the avocado is broken down and a creamy "dressing" forms. 

Transfer kale to serving bowl and top with remaining ingredients.

I like this salad served as soon as it's made, but it would hold up well for lunch the next day too.


Honeycrisp Apple & Golden Beet Salad with Maple Tahini Dressing


Black Rice Pilaf with Lacinato Kale, Walnuts, and Dried Cherries