My Morning Routine + 9 Tips to Create Your Own


Rit•u•Al (noun) — a small act of self-love practiced daily to ground and nourish ourselves so we can show up fully in life, feel our best, and do good.

Ever notice that some moments during the day are easier to “be healthy in” than others? You’re not alone!

For most of us, myself included, mornings and evenings tend to be the time when we have those extra few moments for ourselves — to incorporate simple rituals that leave us grounded, connected, and feeling aligned.

  • water before coffee

  • stretching + meditation

  • morning outdoor sunshine

  • making post-dinner tea

  • writing gratitudes

  • wearing blue blocker glasses

  • stopping the scroll 30-minutes before bed…

How you choose to bookend your day can make or break your short and long term health goals. I see the shift in my clients all the time.

So I’m sharing the morning routine that’s working for me now below as well as a few more ideas to inspire you.

(Part 2: Evening Routine coming soon!)

A note on creating rituals… It’s super important to do what works best for you and allow an ebb and flow based on the time of year, life commitments, etc.

The key is always have 2-3 grounding activities each day and rotating them as needed. You can spend as little as 1 minute or as many as 20 minutes on each.

Rituals should never feel forced or anxiety inducing — focus on you and do what feels good, not what works for me, your bestie, or the latest trend on social media.

My Morning Routine

6:30 am

One of the hardest things (for me at least!) is not reaching for my phone the moment my eyes open. To break the habit, I’ve started putting my phone out of arms reach at night which helps somewhat. I’ve also started saying morning gratitudes and laying for 5-minutes to just be in my brain and daydream out the window watching the sunrise and clouds go by. If I do reach for my phone, I try to do something creative vs. immediately scrolling through Instagram (because let’s be honest, did that much really happen overnight?)

I also use this time to make a dent in the liter of water I put next to my bed each night. It’s a key reFRESH principle and something that’s become a nonnegotiable of mine. Water rehydrates your body after 8 hours of rest + repair, flushed toxins, and activates your digestive tract to literally get things moving first thing.

7:00 AM

Into the bathroom to rinse my face and brush my teeth.

I’m a huge fan of tongue scraping each morning for a few reasons. The main one is to remove the white film of bacteria that builds up overnight (ew!) — check tomorrow morning and you’ll see what I mean. Tongue scraping has also been shown to improve our sense of taste and remove bad breath. This is the one I have.

Then, it’s downstairs for supplements and meditation + stretching.

I’ll put away the dishes from the night before and take my supplements with whatever water is remaining from my liter bottle. While everyone has their own personal supplement needs, here’s what I’m currently taking:

My Go-TO Morning Supplements

Prenatal Multivitamin
Fish Oil
Curcumin (turmeric)
Vitamin C
Vitamin D3/K2
Vitamin B12 or Complex

Find my favorite brands HERE. Click Catalog >> Categories
*I’ll share nighttime supplements in Part 2 (Evening Rituals) coming soon!

Then it’s some form of meditation + stretching. So many people I talk to think meditation has to be a big ordeal, but it truly doesn’t. For me, I like to say a few mantras and maybe a short prayer to get into the right headspace. Then, I rotate between Ziva Meditation or a line activation series I learned from Ashley Wood. After I meditate, I’ll do some yoga sun salutations and stretch my body out before saying namaste to the day. Sometimes I like to burn sage or palo santo when I need that extra boost and to recenter or remove negative energy.

BTW — All of this takes me anywhere from 5-20 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a big ordeal, promise.

8:00 AM

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how central my coffee elixir is to my morning routine. There’s something about making a warm, nourishing beverage to support my body first thing that just makes the day better.

I’m a coffee girl, but if it’s too much for your adrenals to handle — stick with decaf, tea, or matcha.

Here’s how I make my go-to blend:

GRounding Morning Elixir

• 8 ounces organic coffee

• 1-2 chunks raw cacao paste

• 1 tsp. cacao powder

• 1-2 tsp. Adaptogens of choice (maca, mushrooms, ashwaghanda, tocos, Yin, astragalus)

• 6-8 ounces frothed nut milk (I rotate) with cinnamon and cardamom added

Whisk coffee with cacao and adaptogens, then pour frothed milk over the top.

Find my favorite brands + gadgets on my shop page here.

Then, I’ll sit with my coffee at my desk and review my day or do something creative while my brain is fresh — like writing this post!

9:00 AM

I try to get some form of movement in everyday. Notice I said movement and not necessarily exercise! I used to think that moving my body was only productive if I worked up a sweat and burned “all the calories”. But as I’ve gotten older and more comfortable in my body, movement to me is anything from a 20-minute walk around the block to clear my head, a gentle yoga flow to get into my body, or yes, a hard-core HIIT kickboxing class or weight session.

I seldom schedule my workouts in advance, but I DO always know I’ll move my body in some way each day — usually in this 9am time slot. Then, I’ll ask myself what feels good to me that morning. Typically I end up averaging 3-4 longer walks with wrist weights and 2-3 more intense HIIT or cardio workouts.

As women, we put so much pressure on ourselves for looking a certain way — leading to restrictive eating and exercising beyond what our bodies actually want/need. I challenge you to think about what truly feels good to you when moving your body. Because when we find that balance a whole lot of the time, our goals magically fall into place without much thought. Funny how that works…

10:00 AM

This might seem like a late breakfast time for you when it comes to eating breakfast, but it’s what works for me — especially after I’ve had my morning elixir. I’m just not hungry until now, and that’s okay! Again, it comes down to what works for me and my body. Sometimes I do eat earlier, but it depends. I listen to my body and what it’s telling me. Then, I’m not usually ready for lunch until 2pm.

Breakfast typically looks like one of the following:

My Favorite Breakfasts

Green Smoothie

Chia Oats with Berries

Gluten-free Toast with Nut Butter + berries on the side

Coconut Yogurt with Fruit, Hemp Hearts, and Spirulina

I’m not a savory breakfast person AT ALL. But if you are — then eggs or avocado toast are great options! I simply prefer to have them at lunch instead.


Breakfast Time

One of my favorites is a warming bowl of chia oats topped with healthy fats + protein like coconut yogurt, hemp seeds, nut butter, and bee pollen. We want fat + fiber to help keep us satiated and blood sugar balanced.

Find the recipe here.

The soluble fiber in oats and chia are wonderful at moving toxins + spent hormones through the digestive tract and out of the body before being reabsorbed.

Create Your Own Rituals

Like I said above, creating daily rituals has to fit into your life in a way that makes you feel good and centered, not overwhelmed or anxious. You have to do what works for you, but also proactively make the time and commitment to stay consistent. Trial and error is okay!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Morning Ritual Ideas

Drink water (20 ounces or more) before coffee or tea

• Try tongue scraping

• Take supplements that support your needs / goals

• Get outside for 15-minutes to feel the sunshine

• Move your body for 30-minutes

• Add in 10 minutes of meditation, gratitude journaling, or read something inspiring

• Stretch and do a few sun salutations to get into your body

• Make a nourishing morning elixir and/or have a blood sugar balancing breakfast

• Take 1-minute to simply breathe and be in your body — placing one hand on your heart (This is the quickest, easiest way to get centered and grounded when you feel short on time.)

Pick 1-2 of these to get started. See what works, and build from there!

And if you every want any help with supplements, setting routine, or accountability — I’ve got you.

Apply for your free discovery session here.


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