Banana Blender Pancakes

Pancakes make lazy weekend mornings that much better, don't you agree? I love this recipe because it's so easy and versatile. Plus, I usually always have the ingredients on hand.

Any type of flour will work with this, but I prefer either oat or buckwheat. As for variations, you could add cinnamon or a few tablespoon peanut butter to the batter and/or top the pancakes with chocolate chips or blueberries before flipping. In addition to maple syrup, I also love these topped with chia jam or a drizzle of warm almond butter. 

Banana Blender Pancakes

Serves 2, but can easily be doubled
Makes approximately eight 4-inch pancakes

2 bananas
2 eggs
1/2 cup oat, spelt, or buckwheat flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder, aluminum free
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
pinch of salt

coconut oil, for greasing the pan

In a blender, or with a hand mixer, combine all ingredients, except coconut oil, together until a smooth batter forms. Let sit for 5 minutes while you prep the skillet.

Heat a large non-stick skillet or griddle to medium-high heat. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil to grease the pan..

Drop 1/4 cup sized pancakes onto the hot skillet. Let sit until bubbles form on the surface and the edges are set. About 2 minutes. Flip and let cook another 1-2 minutes until golden brown. Continue until all batter is used. You will likely need to add more coconut oil before each batch. If the pancakes brown too quickly, turn down the heat. 

Cover finished pancakes with a dish towel to keep warm. Or, heat your oven to 200 degrees and hold them on a sheet pan tented with foil. 

banana blender pancakes


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