How I Navigate Alcohol During the Holidays

The holiday season is in full swing with parties abound.

And with parties, comes alcohol. It’s in your face at every event from Thanksgiving through New Year’s.

Yes, there’s more of a social norm and catering to those who wish to abstain or drink less thanks to delicious mocktails and lower ABV options — but in my practice, most of my clients choose to drink and frankly, enjoy doing so. As do I.

To be perfectly upfront, alcohol isn’t healthy (not even red wine for heart health) — the data against it is far too compelling to make any argument otherwise. That being said, we also have to be realistic in our approach and set ourselves up to support our bodies as best we can should we choose to consume alcohol.

So, how can you make smarter, healthier choices around alcohol?

  • The 2:2 rule — Limit your intake to no more than 2 nights/occasions per week with no more than 2 drinks per occasion

  • Pre-game — Never drink on an empty stomach. Choose a meal/snack with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to help slow the absorption of alcohol.

  • WINE — Look for organic, naturally fermented, no/low sugar, lower ABV wines (which. honestly are very hard to come by in restaurants and bars). Otherwise, they’re likely laden with sugar and pesticides. Yikes! I like Avaline and Dry Farm Wines for an at home option or when taking a hostess gift.

  • Liquor — Clear is your best bet (vodka, tequila, mezcal) as darker liquors like bourbon, rum, and whiskeys have additional toxins. Order them neat or with a mixer like club soda and citrus. Or my move is usually a dirty martini with an organic vodka if possible.

  • Beer — Just steer clear of this. The combination of alcohol, carbonation, and gluten is not your friend.

  • ADD In A MOCKTAIL — My MO when at a party is to have a cocktail and then take a pause with either lemon water or a seltzer with citrus and bitters. Often mocktails are too sweet for me and not worth it. But they’re still a better choice than one too many cocktails. For low sugar, flavored options you can stock at home, I like Avec and Kinn.

  • Supplement — Regularly add in a multivitamin with methylated Bs, 600-900mg of NAC (a precursor to glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant), and a cup of milk thistle tea. These support detoxification pathways, reduce oxidative stress, and prevent nutrient depletion associated with alcohol consumption.

  • Hydrate with Minerals — Adding electrolytes before/after drinking will help prevent hangover symptoms (which typically come from dehydration). I like LMNT, Needed, and CURE.

  • Start Early, End Early — This allows your body time to metabolize alcohol before bedtime (lowing your core body temperature and resting heart rate) allowing you to get a more restful night’s sleep.

  • REDUCE your toxin exposure — Alcohol is a toxin and our liver can only handle so much at one time. If you know you’re going to be drinking more than usual, think about how you can reduce the toxic load in other areas of your life. Consume less sugar, packaged/processed foods, and inflammatory oils; stop drinking from plastic water bottles; avoid being sedentary; think about air quality; swap out skincare and household cleaning products; etc.


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