Sweet Potato Lucuma Brownies

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Let’s talk superfoods for a minute. I’m always one to keep my recipes and meals simple — we really don’t need to add all kinds of fancy powders and ingredients to our food to be healthy.

But, certain foods do pack more nutritional bang for their buck than others (like kale, berries, hemp seeds, and turmeric — to name a few). It’s those foods that we deem “superfoods”, and I believe it’s important to include them into our daily diets.

I love to experiment and learn about new ingredients to share with all of you. Which is one of the reasons I was so excited and honored when Navitas Organics asked me to be their September Insider of the Month. They source the highest quality, most sustainably sourced superfoods, with the mission to give us the energy to live each day to its fullest. Which is something I completely subscribe to too.

I already knew raw cacao was a superfood (one of the highest sources of antioxidants on the planet), but I was new to lucuma — a Peruvian fruit that has a slightly sweet maple flavor. It’s low glycemic (which means it keeps blood sugar stable) and packed with vitamins + minerals. I’ve been adding the powder to smoothies, yogurt bowls, and baked goods to add a little extra sweetness without sugar.

And that’s how these brownies came to be. Grain-free, vegan, a hidden vegetable, loaded with superfoods, and absolutely delicious.

You’ll never guess these were actually good for you. And I may or may not eat them for breakfast on occasion…

Sweet Potato Lucuma Brownies

Makes 12 bars

2 Tbs. ground flax

1 cup smooth, no salt added, organic almond butter
3/4 cup mashed sweet potato (homemade or canned)
1/2 cup maple syrup 
1 tsp. vanilla extract

6 Tbs. almond flour
6 Tbs. Navitas Organics cacao powder
2 Tbs. Navitas Organics lucuma powder
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup chopped 85%+ dark chocolate 

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Line 8x8 inch pan with parchment paper. 

Mix flax meal with 6 tablespoons filtered water and allow to sit for 10 minutes while you prepare the remaining ingredients. 

In a large bowl, beat together almond butter, mashed sweet potato, maple syrup, vanilla extract, and soaked flax meal mixture. 

Sift in almond flour, cacao powder, lucuma, baking soda, and salt. Mix together until the batter is smooth and uniform. Fold in chopped dark chocolate and transfer mixture to prepared baking pan.

Place on middle oven rack and bake for 25-30 minutes until the center is just set. Let sit for 10 minutes and then remove from pan and place on wire rack to cool completely before slicing. 

Brownies will keep room temperature for several days or in the refrigerator for up to one week. 

Fun Swap: Substitute mashed banana for the sweet potato and peanut butter for the almond butter. 

Note: If you don’t have lucuma powder, these brownies are still delicious without it. But if you have a sweeter tooth, try adding another tablespoon of maple syrup to make up for it.

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