Effortless Nutrition

No Fads. No Extremes. Just a Nutrition Program That Actually Works.

If you’re ready to hop off the “wellness rollercoaster” and learn what your unique body needs to thrive (and arrive at its healthiest weight), this powerful 8-week experience is designed for you.

Now Enrolling for September 2024

8 week LIVE group coaching program

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.

— François de la Rochefoucauld

You’ve got a lot on your proverbial plate and you do it without a lot of sleep. That's how it goes for women, right?

Whether you're juggling motherhood, a demanding career, or both, life can feel like a constant whirlwind. And while you're busy racing from one commitment to the next...

There’s one core goal on your list you have yet to check off - one you’ve been working toward for what seems like forever: Finally nailing this whole “healthy eating thing” so that you love how you look and love how you feel. Where your clothes don’t just fit in all the right ways, but your energy is vibrant and balanced.

It may feel like a dream and something that will only come once life is less chaotic. 

But - the desire you carry to make it your reality now is completely possible.


The truth is, within a few months, you can become the woman who:

  • Enjoys peace and empowerment in every food choice and every bite.

  • Knows her nutritional needs and easily integrates them into every day.

  • No longer experiences guilt or restriction or crazy-making around eating.

  • Achieves hormonal harmony and bids farewell to her monthly symptoms.

  • Revels in restorative sleep, waking up rejuvenated and full of energy.

  • Conquers sugar cravings and night-time snacking with ease.

Yes, you can finally break free from the exhausting diet cycle, and welcome lasting, vibrant health. Even better? You can discover how to sustain that vitality as you age.


Now, you might be thinking…

“I’ve quite literally tried everything - and I either can’t stick to it or it just doesn’t work.”

Oh, I see you.

These scenarios are incredibly common amongst the women I work with - and that’s because conventional and even more holistic approaches to nutrition are missing key ingredients:

  • Science-Backed Testing: Getting a clear picture of your blood sugar, hormones, metabolism and more will tell us exactly what’s happening under the surface so we can restore balance.

  • Nutrition Fundamentals: Nutrition isn’t about calories, it’s about nourishment. When you understand what to eat, drink, and when - everything gets easier.

  • Intuitive Eating: Learning your hunger cues and the insight your body offers you daily is key to having a beautiful, easy, stress-free relationship with food.

That’s why I do what I do. Because you just need to take the right approach to nutrition and once you do, you can transform your health.

Hey, I’m Erin Parekh, Creator of The Effortless Nutrition Method

Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Women’s Health Specialist

I may have a Masters in Nutrition and be in the best health of my life. BUT, I’m also a woman who has struggled with a wide variety of health issues.


  • Eating disorders

  • 50-pound weight loss/gain

  • Gut imbalances 

  • Adrenal dysfunction

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • High-stress

  • Anxiety attacks

  • Infertility

  • Auto-immune thyroid disease

I get what it’s like to have an incredibly full plate and have to deal with symptoms that need my attention + support. While it’s certainly been a journey to navigate all of the above, I’m grateful for each and every challenge I faced.

Because they ultimately forced me to find a real, root cause solution - and to get to know my body and myself more deeply than I ever had before.

The unfortunate truth is that most women aren’t given the in-depth, personalized support they need inside our current healthcare system. I experienced this firsthand!

And so many of them are trying to piece together a solution on their own. I know I had to!

I’m so devoted to helping you skip all of the guessing and find a pathway forward that will help you meet the version of yourself - and your health - you desire.

In fact, I’ve created a simple framework to support your journey – ensuring your body receives exactly what it needs so you feel good in your skin and cultivate a trusting relationship with your body’s natural cues.

Effortless Nutrition is Where the Magic Happens.

This powerful 8-week group program transcends diet trends, offering a science-backed, intuitive framework designed for real, sustainable transformation.

No more overwhelm, no more restrictions. It's time for a joyful, effortless, science-backed approach to wellness that supports your goals and brings out the most vibrant, radiant you.

The Details – here’s everything you get to learn.

Module 1:

Goal Setting & Your Unique Nutritional Needs

Understand your unique nutritional & caloric needs, define your goals.

Module 2:

Foundations for Effortless Nutrition

Master the fundamentals of macronutrients, micronutrients, and hydration to build a balanced plate and nourish your body with the right foods.

Module 3:

Optimizing Your Energy, Metabolism & Hormones

Learn how to manage your blood sugar for stable energy and reduced cravings, integrate hormone supportive meal timing to support your metabolism, and gain insights about personalizing what + how you eat to fit your current life stage.

Module 4:

Intuitive Eating & Reconnecting with Your Body's Internal Wisdom

Reconnect with your body's natural hunger and fullness cues to develop a healthy relationship with food. Learn to identify and manage cravings and integrate mindful eating practices for a more peaceful, satisfying relationship with food.

Module 5:

Beyond Nutrition

Simple tips to support gut health, develop stress resilience, sleep more deeply, and gently detoxify your body for optimal health. Here you’ll also learn Erin’s approach to mindful movement and weight training.

Module 6:

Putting It All Together

Develop real-world strategies to navigate social situations, busy schedules, and travel while staying true to living an effortlessly nourished lifestyle.


*Bonus Workshops

  • Supplements & Labs 101: Decoding Baseline Labs, Supplement Needs & Functional Testing Options

  • Grocery Shopping in the Wild: Food Sourcing & Nutrition Labels

  • Meal Planning Workshop: How to Build Balanced, Satisfying Meals


The Effortless Nutrition Method teaches you how to nourish your body with the right foods, revitalize your metabolism, balance your hormones for increased energy, and eliminate cravings for a fully optimized, thriving body.

Join us if you —

  • Are exhausted from diet culture.

  • Feel you have to restrict yourself for results.

  • Find healthy eating confusing and burdensome.

  • Need a straightforward nutrition plan that fits your busy lifestyle.

  • Wish you had guidance from a seasoned, credible expert.

  • Crave simplicity in preparing nourishing meals for you and your family.

  • Long to heal your all-or-nothing relationship with food. 

  • Are ready to radiate health, inside and out.

Effortless Nutrition Successes

  • Amanda K.

    "I've learned so much from Erin and it's only been 4 weeks! I love that she doesn't preach dieting and restriction, while still helping me reach my best body - learning to eat for my needs and my lifestyle, not someone else's."

  • Jamie T.

    "The real transformation from this course? It's how I feel! And while I see physical results too, I love how with Erin that's not the main focus. My energy is next level, I feel confident in my skin, and I'm able to focus so clearly now that my brain isn't bogged down with diet culture and worrying about how many macros I'm eating every day."

Now, if this is resonating with you, but you still have your doubts…

“Will this actually work for me?”

Here’s my promise to you: If you follow the framework, you will see results.

This includes:

  • Stabilizing your weight at a healthy, happy point.

  • Diminished cravings and increased energy.

  • Enjoying deep, restorative sleep.

  • Experiencing smoother menstrual cycles and perimenopause transitions.

  • Relishing in food freedom during holidays and social gatherings.

  • Enhancing your food intuition, understanding your body’s true needs.

  • Improving vital health markers and lab results.

  • Experiencing improved digestion, clearer thinking, and that inner glow.

The transformative effect of Effortless Nutrition is real. And you get access to its magic at a fraction of the value.

Here’s What’s Included in Effortless Nutrition:

  • The 6-part video & podcast curriculum (Valued at $1,997)

    Six weekly modules with video and audio options + simple action steps to help you form a new relationship and rhythm with nutrition and lifestyle habits to support your daily life.

  • 8 WEEKLY “LIVE” Q&A Calls with Erin (Valued at  $3,997)

    To integrate and expand upon that week’s lesson – think time saving tips, FAQ, and personal musings to help guide you in your progress.

  • 3 Bonus Workshops (Valued at $1497)

    Teaching you everything from how to grocery shop and meal prep to which labs you should get yearly and Erin’s top supplement recommendations.

  • Private Community ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chat (Priceless!)

    A place to connect with each other to find answers to your questions, helpful insight, encouragement and accountability through the 8 weeks and beyond.

  • Gorgeous printable resources (Valued at $497)

    Including worksheets and guides to reinforce what you're learning in the video trainings.

That’s a total value of – $7,988+

Plus you’ll have LIFETIME Membership
to the program and access to the curriculum (+ all updates) so you can revisit it anytime you need or want a refresher. (Priceless!) 

My one-on-one coaching for this type of content and support? It's over $5,000 (and doesn't include the community accountability). Let alone lifetime access.

This is the best of both worlds. You’ll get the same exact lectures I use with private clients, but priced in group format, to make this accessible for as many women as possible.


Enroll in Effortless Nutrition and Get…

  • The 6-part video & podcast curriculum (Valued at $1,997)

Six weekly modules with video and audio options + simple action steps to help you form a new relationship and rhythm with nutrition and lifestyle habits to support your daily life.

  • 8 WEEKLY “LIVE” Q&A Calls with Erin (Valued at  $3,997)

To integrate and expand upon that week’s lesson – think time saving tips, FAQ, and personal musings to help guide you in your progress.

  • 3 Bonus Workshops (Valued at $1497)

Teaching you everything from how to grocery shop and meal prep to which labs you should get yearly and Erin’s top supplement recommendations.

  • Private Community ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chat (Priceless!)

A place to connect with each other to find answers to your questions, helpful insight, encouragement and accountability through the 8 weeks and beyond.

  • Gorgeous printable resources (Valued at $497)

Including worksheets and guides to reinforce what you're learning in the video trainings.

  • Lifetime Membership

Lifetime access to the curriculum (+ all future updates) so you can revisit it anytime you need or want a refresher.


That’s a total value of – $7,988+

  • My one-on-one coaching for this type of content and support? It's over $5,000 (and doesn't include the community accountability). Let alone lifetime access.

  • This is the best of both worlds. You’ll get the same exact lectures I use with private clients, but priced in group format, to make this accessible for as many women as possible.


8-week Live Program Price: $1,147

With extended payment plan options. And lifetime access to the course curriculum.

Choose what Works best for you

Payment Options for 8-week Program

We kickoff Monday, September 23rd!
Program runs for 8 weeks with live weekly calls.


Best Value

One Easy Payment



I’m All In

4 monthly payments



Pace It Out

8 monthly payments


Self–Paced Course Option

Enroll in Effortless Nutrition and Get…

  • The 6-part video & podcast curriculum (Valued at $1,997)

Six weekly modules with video and audio options + simple action steps to help you form a new relationship and rhythm with nutrition and lifestyle habits to support your daily life.

  • 8 Pre–Recorded Q&A Calls with Erin (Valued at  $3,997)

To integrate and expand upon that week’s lesson – think time saving tips, FAQ, and personal musings to help guide you in your progress.

  • 3 Bonus Workshops (Valued at $1497)

Teaching you everything from how to grocery shop and meal prep to which labs you should get yearly and Erin’s top supplement recommendations.

  • Private Community ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chat (Priceless!)

A place to connect with each other to find answers to your questions, helpful insight, encouragement and accountability through the 8 weeks and beyond.

  • Gorgeous printable resources (Valued at $497)

Including worksheets and guides to reinforce what you're learning in the video trainings.

  • Lifetime Membership

Lifetime access to the curriculum (+ all future updates) so you can revisit it anytime you need or want a refresher.

That’s a total value of – $7,988+

  • My one-on-one coaching for this type of content and support? It's over $5,000 (and doesn't include the community accountability). Let alone lifetime access.

  • This is the best of both worlds. You’ll get the same exact lectures I use with private clients, but priced in group format, to make this accessible for as many women as possible.


Course Only Price: $0,000

With extended payment plan options. And lifetime access to the course curriculum.

Choose what Works best for you

Payment Options for Course Only


Best Value

One Easy Payment


Pace It Out

4 monthly payments



Effortless Nutrition Successes

  • Tracie K.

    "I am so so happy I invested in Erin and her course. She goes above and beyond in what she offers and teaches you. It's some of the best money I've spent in the past year!"

  • Erin K.

    "Finally! Erin's course is unique in that it combines nutrition with intuitive eating. Her perspective has helped transform my all-or-nothing relationship with food while losing the last bit of baby weight too."

Upgrade to be a VIP

Looking for this plus more personalized & one-on-one support from Erin?

That's an option, too!

Enroll as an Effortless Nutrition VIP

You'll get full access to everything included in the Effortless Nutrition curriculum—the videos, homework, bonuses, and community…


  • Two 30-minute 1:1 calls with Erin during the 8 week program + a detailed health history and food journal review, including written notes and action steps (Valued at $1,997)

  • 12 weeks unlimited messaging support with Voxer check-ins every Monday during the 8-week course ($1,497 value)

  • Access to enroll in the LIVE program when offered again yearly, for free (priceless!)

  • Optional advanced nutrient testing with a personalized protocol to amplify your results for an additional, but discounted (!), cost.

VIP Total Value: $11,582

Become a VIP for Only: $2,250

Extended payment plan available.



Ready to go all in? Let’s do this thing right.

First come, first serve on these limited 6 VIP SPOTS!

Upgrade to become a VIP

Enroll as an Effortless Nutrition VIP and get…

Everything Included in the Effortless Nutrition Curriculum —

  • The 6-part video & podcast curriculum (Valued at $1,997)

  • 8 WEEKLY “LIVE” Q&A Calls with Erin (Valued at  $3,997)

  • 3 Bonus Workshops (Valued at $1497)

  • Private Community ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Chat (Priceless!)

  • Gorgeous printable resources (Valued at $497)

  • Lifetime Access (+ Future Updates)

AND! All of this —

  • Two 30-minute 1:1 calls with Erin during the 8 week program

    plus a detailed health history and food journal review, including written notes and action steps (Valued at $1,997)

  • 12 weeks unlimited messaging support ($1,497 value)

    with Voxer check-ins every Monday during the 8-week course

  • Access to enroll in the LIVE program every year for free (priceless!)

  • Optional advanced nutrient testing

    with a personalized protocol to amplify your results for an additional, but discounted (!), cost.

VIP Total Value: $11,482

Become a VIP for Only


Best Value

One Easy Payment


Pace It Out

6 monthly payments



Ready to go all in? Let’s do this thing right.

First come, first serve on these limited 6 VIP SPOTS!

One Last Little Note –

As a fellow mama, I get how challenging it is to prioritize yourself and your needs. I bump up against the unpredictability of being the flexible parent every day. 

However, the systems, routines, and simple frameworks I’ve integrated into my daily life have empowered me to always eat well, understand what my body needs and when, and reach the goals I have for my body.

I want the same for you - because it’s not only possible but you deserve it. Effortless Nutrition is an investment in yourself, your health, and your joy - one that will touch every person who loves you and requires your love and care everyday. 

Let me show you how!


Questions About Effortless Nutrition

  • Our Fall 2024 program kicks off Monday, September 23rd. You will have access to the modules and all other course curriculum + the community chat then too.

  • We will poll the group prior to determining weekly call times to ensure as many people can make it live.

    In the past, most popular call times are either 1pm EST Wednesdays or 8pm EST Tuesdays.

    A recording will be uploaded to the Video Vault within 24 hours.

  • All call recordings are uploaded in the course platform on Kajbai under the Video Vault.

    There are also pre-recorded videos located in each module section.

  • Each weekly call is 60 minutes. If you can't make it live, a recording will be posted within 24 hours.

    As for the modules, this program is meant to work with your busy, on the go life - weekly curriculum videos (with an audio recording) are 20-30 minutes in length.

  • 100%, yes! I'm all about efficiency while still be effective. It's why I built this program in the first place, so your nutrition and relationship with food can finally feel effortless.

  • Nope! Again, the goal of this course and program is to make nourishing yourself feel effortless - and that includes in the kitchen too. My goal is for you to spend as little time prepping meals and grocery shopping as possible. While also knowing the key to your goals is more home cooked food.

  • What's unique about this program is that it's designed to work for you. There's no cookie cutter method or one-size-fits-all approach. The goal of this program is to teach you how to eat intelligently through nutrition science while also learning how to tune in intuitively.

    After coaching hundreds of women over the years, Erin has learned that when you tackle both of these angles simultaneously, that's when the magic happens.

  • I believe in this program with my whole heart and I'm genuinely invested in your success.

    However, if you sign up, and feel I haven’t delivered in value after the first three weeks and have completed all of the coursework, just send proof of your completed assignments to support@erinparekh.com, as well as screenshots of your participation in the community for a full 100% refund.

    Find our full refund policy here.